Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Searching for Evidence

I recently overheard a conversation about a group of Christians who were apparently closing in on the discovery of Noah's ark. Yes, the Biblical one (not to be confused with the one going up not far from here.) What prompted this little response though was not that bit of news. The possibility of such a discovery seems to resurface every few years. Frankly, I would no sooner expect such a discovery than photos of Sasquatch surfing on the back of old Nessy being published in next month's edition of Nature. But that's for another day. Tell me though, why are these people risking their lives in search for an ancient ark? As the conversation went, 'to provide evidence that God's Word is true.' Seriously? When will we stop trying to help out God and His Word? When will our own fears and insecurities stop getting in the way of the kind faith that God's Word actually promotes? Where will the best evidence supporting the truth of God's word be found? In the lives of those who actually believe it. Maybe finding the ark isn't such a long shot after all.


  1. In other news, worshipers of Enki have just discovered the ark of Utnapishtim, thereby demonstrating the truth of the Gilgamesh Epic. A Gilgamesh Theme Park is forthcoming, complete with actors reenacting the eponymous hero's conquest of Humbaba, the guardian of the cedar forest.
