Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Christianity and America, a Marriage made in ...

I often wonder what America looked like back when it belonged to God.  Without a memory that extends much beyond 1981, I can only assume that there must have been a time in its relatively short history when America looked more like Christ.  It couldn't have been too long ago.  It seems every good fundamentalist preacher has in his repertoire at least a few references to the days when God was feared, the church sacred, and the Bible respected.   I'll avoid the rant, but ask the question.  What would America look like if it really was dedicated to the things of God?  I'm guessing we wouldn't recognize it.  What do you suppose has had the greatest influence on the other?  Christianity on America, or America on Christianity.  Some would say that Christianity has shaped America into the great nation that it is.  Maybe so.  You cannot argue that we are blessed.  But I can't reconcile the brand of christianity I've become familiar with to the one preached by the Gospel and the Cross.   Consumerism, capitalism, excess?  May work for the nation but not for the church.  Unfortunately each could be used to describe much of the American church.  I'm not down on America.  Just not to pleased with what it's done to Christianity.   I get a little bothered and then a little embarrassed by both the truths and untruths of articles such as this one from the Huffington Post a few days ago.

What do you think?  Is this an accurate caricature of American Christians?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The End is Near! The End is Near!

Summer plans?  Go ahead and scratch them.  Apparently the rapture will be occurring on May 21st of this year, starting a string of catastrophic events of judgment which will culminate with the end of the world on Ocober 21st.  Here's the CNN story.  Here's the explanation of how the date was determined.  I find it amazing the lengths some take to understand the hidden meanings of scripture when the obvious message is so often ignored. 

On a side note.  I remember as a kid in the car having the station tuned to 106.9 listening to Camping and Family Radio.  Not that my parents really liked it, but it was one of very few Christian stations available.  Makes me thankful for the wide selection of Christian stations here in central Indiana.  With each station having its share of annoying DJs playing silly songs, it's nice to have alternatives.